President’s Message – November 2014

Greetings to all,

As I write today I reflect on all the events happening in October with FPA of Minnesota. We are in the final days and hours of Symposium preparation. Financial Planning Day is shortly thereafter. Several board members are preparing for their attendance at Chapter Leaders Conference and Alliance Forum and the entire board and their committees is preparing for Strategic Planning Day. Whew !! Having said that my only words of wisdom for this month’s article are from my heart to yours:

My TO DO list for today:

Count my blessings……  practice kindness ……

let go of what I cannot control ……

listen to my heart……  be productive yet calm……

make meaning in every day……  and joy in every moment…… 

just breathe ……

Warmly, julieann
Julieann Schroeder President, FPA of Minnesota
952-829-0000 x6166
USAdvisors Wealth Management
