The New Macro World and Its Impact on Modern Finance

The global financial system is undergoing a seismic shift as we transition from localized and domestic economies into a globally interconnected economy. This shift is forcing financial professionals to broaden their horizons and account for the changing landscape like never before. This presentation will go into the causes and effects of this changing world and how financial professionals can become better informed and better prepared to help guide their clients through it.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, attendees will:

  • Learning to think in a macro or “big picture” sense and why this will become increasingly important in the future.
  • Considering an alternative view to Modern Portfolio Theory. Why MPT has failed so many investors and why alternative approaches could benefit us all.
  • Learning to think not only about finance, but also learning to traverse the world of economics. Our clients expect us to have a superior grasp of global trends. Some economic knowledge will better arm us to guide them through this world.
Cullen Roche - Founder, Orcam Financial Group, LLC

Cullen Roche
Founder, Orcam Financial Group, LLC
Cullen Roche has over a decade of experience in the financial services industry working with some of the biggest firms in finance as well as founding his own firms. Prior to establishing Orcam Mr. Roche founded his own investment partnership in 2005 after working at Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management where he helped oversee $500MM+ in assets under management. Unhappy with the large brokerage firm business model, Mr. Roche formed his own private investment partnership with a substantial personal investment at the age of 25. Over the next 7 years he was able to guide the small business to high risk adjusted returns with no negative full year returns during one of the most turbulent periods in stock market history.

Mr. Roche’s primary areas of expertise include global macro portfolio construction, quantitative risk management, behavioral finance and monetary theory (Cullen is proud not to be considered a technical “economist“). He is the author of Pragmatic Capitalism: What Every Investor Needs to Know About Money and Finance as well as Understanding the Modern Monetary System, one of the top 10 all-time most downloaded research papers on the SSRN network. He is the long-time #1 economics writer on the popular financial website Seeking Alpha, was named one of the “Top Wall Street Economists, Experts and Opinion Leaders” of 2011 by Wall Street Economists and was named one of the “101 Best Finance People” by Business Insider where he was described as “one of the most influential economic thinkers today.” He is regularly cited in the Wall Street Journal, on CNBC, Fox Business and in the Financial Times.