Helping BestPrep Achieve Unreasonable Goals

Comer-BestPrep-WashburnSubmitted by John Comer - Financial Education Committee

When BestPrep asked me to talk about financial literacy to 600 juniors and seniors at Washburn High School, I checked the school’s website to see what I could learn about the school.  Initially, I thought it would be nice if they could tell I was speaking to Washburn and not Johnson, Robbinsdale, Armstrong or Woodbury.

I got lucky. On the home page, they proudly proclaimed that one of their graduates was playing in the Super Bowl three days before I was speaking. A graduate of their school not only accomplished the totally unrealistic goal of playing in the NFL, he made it to the pinnacle of success for NFL players in the Super Bowl.

Several years ago I had read EVOKE by George Kinder. One of the key points in that book for me, was his comment on realistic goals. Occasionally, I have heard advisors say that part of their job is to help people set realistic goals. George Kinder said that his job is not to tell clients their goal is unreasonable but to tell them what they will have to do to achieve it.

It was totally unrealistic for Adrian Peterson to expect to be an NFL football player. It was totally unrealistic for Bill Gates to expect to remake office work and become a multi-billionaire. It was unrealistic for Adele to expect to become a major singing sensation. It was unrealistic for Ra’Shede Hageman, the Washburn High School graduate who played for the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI, to expect to make it to the NFL.  They all made it.

I am sure Ra’Shede was told many times that his goal was unrealistic. I imagine he also found a few people who would tell him what he had to do to achieve his goal. I am glad he listened to those who told him what he had to do to succeed and I suggest that the students look for people who could tell them how to achieve their dreams.

If you want to help BestPrep provide personal finance education for young people, contact the FPA Financial Education Committee.

