Connect with Your Peers

One of the major benefits of FPA membership is the opportunity to connect with financial planners from across the country. There is a spirit of collaboration throughout FPA that is unmatched in the profession with members always willing to share their insights and best practices on everything from planning to practice management. Take advantage of this major benefit by tapping into FPA Connect, a virtual community of FPA members coast to coast who avail themselves to their peers. And be sure to download the FPA Connect app on your smartphone! Search for “FPA Connect” in the App and Play stores.

Learn more about FPA Connect and the many other opportunities for community building.

Also be sure to check out FPA Knowledge Circles. These specialized gathering places are for like-minded members who want to engage in dialogue about best practices and innovations on particular topics. FPA Knowledge Circle participants also serve as content experts who help guide the creation of FPA content and educational programs. You can participate now in one of the FPA Knowledge Circles on Business Success, Estate Planning, International/Cross-Border, Investment Planning, and Retirement Planning.
